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Compliance Mastermind: Strategies for your healthcare compliance program and your career

Nov 7, 2017

On today's show I am talking with Brenda Manning. She helps dispel the myth that LinkedIn is only for job seekers and provides some great advice for leveraging LinkedIn in your career. 

If you want to follow up with Brenda she can be reached at: 

I can be reached at:

Remember to subscribe to the show!

Disclaimer: On this podcast I speak only for myself and what I share are the opinions of me alone. My guests also speak for themselves only and do not represent the opinions of their firms or organizations. All content provided on this podcast is for information purposes only. Neither I or my guests make any representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on the podcast or in the show notes. This podcast should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever. Please consult a qualified attorney before taking any action that could have legal implications to you or your business.